Saturday, January 4, 2014

How To Use Skype More Efficiently

We list the important and hidden features in Skype to help you make the most of it.
How to use Skype more efficiently
Skype is the most popular VoIP technology to make free PC to PC voice and video calls around the world. It lets you place low-cost calls to your friends and family on phone. Here we tell you a few things that you might not know about your favourite software.
SMS to Skype
SMS to Skype is a free service by Connectotel allowing GSM mobile phone users to send a text to any Skype user. In the ‘New Message’ window of your cellphone, type  skype <Skypename of Recipient> <Your message> and send to +447747782320(International SMS rates apply). For example if you want to send a text to nealcaffery, type skype nealcaffrey Hey! How are you? in the message. Also change the privacy settings of your Skype software to “allow anyone to contact me”.

Hidden Skype emoticons
Skype has a great set of built in emoticons. If you move your cursor over them, you’ll see their code. When you type that code in the chat box, you’ll get the respective emoticons. But there are a few more emoticons that are hidden from you. Try the following for a little fun: (drunk) (headbang) (smoke) (bandit) (poolparty) and (rock). Use wisely, live well! For 
more such emoticons, visit
Hidden Skype Emoticons and Smileys
Chat Command
There are many chat commands in Skype, which let you do a lot more than usual. One of them is /me [text] command, for example /me is having lunch! Sure you could just type “I am having lunch!” in the chat box, but it’s displayed much cooler using a /me command. 
To see a list of the relevant chat commands simply type /help into the chat. Have a look at the other chat commands at
Skype /me [text] Chat Command
Skype Voicemail
Skype Voicemail works like any voicemail service should. When you’re away from computer, or on another call, have the caller leave a voice message for you. Alerts can be sent on your email address too. Record your 60 seconds voice message greeting to be played when you’re not available. To configure Voicemail, simply open Skype, click Tools > Options > Calls > Voice messages. Now, whether you’re having lunch or in the shower, let skype take your messages and play them for you when you sign in. Set up voicemail here
Skype Voicemail
Share your screen
Ever had problems explaining to someone how to use a software? Now show them exactly what you’re looking at, on your computer screen with Skype’s screen-sharing option. Just click on the Share button in the call window. You can still see your friend’s video in a small window on the top right corner of your screen. This option has great utility –use it to help your parents use the computer, show your friends pictures of your vacation, or just watch something together.
Skype Screen Sharing
Connect with Facebook
Connect your Skype account with Facebook and get your news feed within Skype. You can update your status via Skype. Skype also integrates Facebook chat, so calling your friends is just a click away.

Skype WiFi
Skype WiFi (formerly known as Skype Access) is a fantastic way to browse the web and save internet costs abroad. When a public WiFi hotspot is in range, and you don’t think it’s safe to pay electronically or they charge you for the whole day even if you just want to check your email, Skype WiFi lets you pay-per-minute using your Skype Credit as payment. It can be used on laptops, iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. Download the Skype Wifi app, and login with your account. When you login, you will see a list of hotspots you can join. Once you’re online, only pay for the time you’re online and not for the amount you download. Hotspot providers in India which support Skype WiFi are FON, iBahn, O-Zone, Tata and Tomizone charging 5-16 credits/minute; with a decent coverage including airports, major railway stations and coffee shops.
Skype WiFi
Edit/Delete your message
There are times when you accidentally send a message in the wrong window, or mistype something. In this so called busy life, our chats are always full of typos and it gets really irritating when one corrects it by adding an asterisk(*). Skype offers you the option to right click on the sent message and edit it or rather delete it from the chat log altogether.

Drag and drop to send files
Ever need to send a file quickly, instead of having to upload or email it? Just drag and drop the file in your chat window. Drag and drop in a group chat to send files to everyone in the group chat.

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