Saturday, January 4, 2014

Samsung Galaxy S5 To Be Announced At MWC 2014,With New Design And Material

Samsung VP confirms the announcement date for the next flagship, Galaxy S5.
Samsung Galaxy S5 to be announced at MWC 2014, with new design and material
Samsung Electronics vice President and Head of Design Strategy, Dong-hoon Chang has confirmed the Galaxy S5 will be officially announced at the Mobile World Congress, to be held in Barcelona, Spain next month
Chang confirmed this news at a New Year's party in the Shilla Hotel in Seoul, South Korea. He responded with "about right" when he was asked by reporters about speculation that an announcement about the smartphone will be made at the 2014 MWC. But, keep in mind that the above information can change until we get an official announcement from Samsung.
He also revealed that a flexible display and new material like metal is being considered for the flagship smartphone . The flexible display that is rumored for the Galaxy S5 is currently under review, according to the Samsung exec who also stated that he would be surprised if one was featured on the handset at launch. A curved version could end up being released after the original model.
There had been many interesting rumours about the device in the past including all-metal body and QHD 2K display. Also check out Samsung Galaxy S5: The most interesting rumours out there


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