Thursday, January 9, 2014

Yahoo Ad Service Based Malware Effecting 27000 Systems An Hour

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  From last few days reports are coming that Yahoo Ads were infecting user systems and Its confirmed that some Malware has hitted Yahoo Ad Network days back.  

  The Malware has hitted Yahoo Ad Service and as result few Ads start showing content with hidden "Exploit Kit" that exploits vulnerabilities of JAVA to infect system . The infected system can be used by hackers as a bot-net clients or to compromise other systems in the network and launch various sort of attacks.

  In a report its provided that "The Infection rate is close to 9% i.e near about 27,000 systems got infected every hourRomaniaGreat Britain and France were among the most infected countries".

  Yahoo mentioned that "They were aware of the attack and taking countermeasures to prevent the attacks. The malicious Ads were identified and blocked. They also added that attack is limited Europe, and did not affect Asia PacificNorth America and Latin America." Additionally, they added "MAC and Mobile users will not get infected by the Ads"


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