6:32 AM |
5 Top Photo Editing Apps For Android And iOS 2014 |
Now a days social networking becomes more and more popular.Daily millions of photo's has uploaded on social networking sites like Facebook and Instagram,So for good quality photos we have the apps for you.
photo apps have exploded in the last thre years because of improving technologies of smartphones.Both of the iOS and Android OS improved their camera technologies to point-and-shoot camera.So due do the photo apps its very easy to editing the photo and upload it on social network sites.So here we are going to review some top professional photography apps.1. Camera 360 Ultimate:
Camera 360 Ultimate |
Camera 360 become the most popular photo app in the world.It comes with dozens of photo effects and fun mobile photography option.You can edit your photos with 13 filters and also adjust its contrast,brightness and cropping.You can put different photos in unique montages for better express in one photo.Camera 360 app have ability to backup your photos and store it to camera 360 cloud storage which keep your photos securely.From give app you can upload HD pics on social networking sites instantly.It available free for both iOS and Android.
2. Photo Editor - Fotolr:
Photo Editor - Fotolr |
Photo Editor - Fotolr developed by Tiny Piece Co. It is photo processing app and it has many powerful functions.This app comes with 22 photo editing functions which allowing you add photo filters,edit photos,photo sharing via mail and other SNS and more.You can make amazing photo effect in less than one minute.This app available free for both iOS and Android3. Line Camera:
Line Camera | |
Line Camera have more than 70 million users across the world.It has highly customizable filters which allow you to make your photos look just how you like.The attractive feature in this app is that you can make your own stamp.It comes with easy photo sharing to share your photos on social networks and line.It contains 5000 stamps,100 frames,30 filters,100 fonts and 200 brushes.Its free for both iOS and Android.4. Snapeee:
Snapeee | | | | |
Snapeee is the most popular photo app specially for girls.The app is made in Japan and currenly using more than 3 million fashionable girls according to developer of snapeee.In snapeee you can use 4000 decoration items and cute snap effects.Easy photo sharing on social network like facebook,twitter,sina and RenRen.You can also add more friends on snapeee and you can find photos by using # (hash) tags.This app is free for both iOS and Android.5. PicFrame:
PicFrame |
Pic Frame app is made by ActiveDevelopment Co. PicFrame helps you to combine number of photos and videos in one decorative frame and share on social networking sites like facebook,twitter,g+ and instagram easily.This app comes with different 73 adjustable frames which enables you to comebine 9 different photos and videos in one frame.You can also add your own music to your created video frame.This app is available in very small price, £0.69 for iOS on iTunes and £0.62 for Android on Play-Store.
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