Saturday, September 20, 2014

10 Reasons Why You Should Wait Before You Have Sex

The books, the songs and the movies may paint a different picture, but you are perfectly justified in

wanting to wait before heading to the bedroom. With absolute respect towards all those who think
otherwise, here’s a look at ten reasons why waiting for sex is absolutely acceptable:

Because sex and commitment aren’t necessarily related
For you, doing the act may be followed by merry visions of a happily-ever-after à la Bollywood,
but your partner may not necessarily be there with you. And know that we aren’t being gender
specific when we say this.
Because protection isn’t foolproof
Awareness about protection is limited, a thorough understanding of its limitations yet rarer. 
Don’t court the responsibility of bringing a child into the world unless you are indeed ready for it.
Because you need to be mentally prepared for it
Sorry to have to be the ones to break this to you, but all the books lied. Right through their teeth. 
It isn’t necessarily going to be an earth-shattering experience and the repercussions aren’t purely physical. 
Because your first time should be special
Do yourself a favor and don’t ever, ever let anyone convince you otherwise. You owe it to yourself 
to ensure that your first time is special and with someone you genuinely connect with rather than a 
quick roll in the hay, of the wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am variety.
Because it isn’t all that it is cracked up to be
If done with the right person, sex can be the most magical thing you’ll experience in your entire 
life but it does require some getting used to, which is why we recommend waiting before just blindly 
taking the plunge.
Because you and your partner may not be on the same page
Whether it’s a no-strings arrangement or something more lasting; give the whole broken expectations 
lark a wide berth and before taking your relationship to the next level, ensure that you and your 
partner are on the same page. 
Because the three date rule exists for a reason
It is tried and it is tested and generations of people swear by it for a reason. If your partner is really
 into you, then waiting for a while to get to know each other and ensuring that you are indeed ready 
for it won’t kill either of you.
Because you aren’t on any ticking clock
All your friends may be doing it, but know that doing the act isn’t your sole ticket for entry into the 
adult world. There are other ways of demonstrating that you’ve grown up and matured and taking 
informed decisions is a good place to start.
Because it doesn’t mean that you’re narrow minded
Once you do it, there is no going back. Know that making the decision to wait before just blindly hopping 
onto the bandwagon doesn’t make you any less liberated.
Bonus Tip: Because it will win over your parents
For good. Letting your parents know about your decision to wait before doing the nasty is as good a 
way as any to win the adarsh beta stakes permanently.

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