Lighten Your Pocket For An Ad-free YouTube
YouTube will soon offer a completely ad-free version, albeit with subscription
Mumbai: YouTube, the world’s largest online video website, is set to change its advertisement-only approach, to a paid-subscription business model.
In order to create more revenue and profit, Google Inc, besides the existing ad-supported offering, is planning to offer its users an option of a paid, ad-free subscription version of YouTube.
Almost a year ago, YouTube began to allow the content providers to create their own subscription based channels on the website. These channels were allowed to charge the viewers to watch their content. However, YouTube has never before offered an ad-free paid-subscription plan.
Therefore, for the ones not willing to pay any subscription, there always will exist the free content with ads. And for the ones who wouldn't mind paying a little money, YouTube’s working on a new model that will offer a separate ad-free version.
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