Whatsapp Bans Whatsapp + And WhatsappMD Users
It’s been long time since modders and developers were trying to mod one of the most popular apps on play store , Whatsapp to make it more beautiful and useful , But…
Unofficial stuff is after all illegal stuff ,
From where and when it started ?
One of first real mod of official whatsapp was made by a developer known as a nickname of RAFALENSE and he called his mod as a “Whatsapp+” as it adds more functions and features to whatsapp app in 2012 on XDA forums . And obviously such mods will get popular because popularity of original app was high. There were around 700 pages on Whatsapp+ thread on XDA . Then Whatsapp officials got the news of a developer who was working on their app for free without paying any kind of money. So DMCA and copyright rules were applied as an legal action to XDA officials and requested removal of threads and download links .
At that time that app was popular enough so rafalense (Developer) continued mod via social networks like google+ page and then google+ community . He started providing download links there and on his website . Users of this mod continued using that app and Whatsapp+ got more and more features over the time he added hiding online status (Last seen) feature so that one can hide last seen but it needed a plugin called “PLUS DONATION” (paid plugin) which WAS on play store few months ago .So developer started to earn revenue from that plugin , Donation links and ads . Popularity of the app was already high and still is .
Then some crackers like Osama Ghareeb and Rahil Bhimjiani started to crack that Whatsapp+ apk so that anyone can hide last seen without that plugin (PLUS DONATION) .Switching between websites due to whatsapp’s official notices ,removal of plus donation from play store, amazon app store’s failure and many more reasons rafalense decided to remove PLUS DONATION need from app and give it for free. Then Rahil started to added some material design and Osama added his own features to it .
At GOOGLE I/O 2014 google announced new awesome design concept for android apps called MATERIAL DESIGN Developers and modders already knew that official developers of whatsapp will take much time to update whatsapp to material design cause in past at the time of ICS/JELLY BEAN’s holo ui whatsapp developers took much time to update app to holo design .
Material Design is so cool that many users wanted material design for whatsapp so developer Joaquin Cuitiño known as Vextil released his mod having material design look on Reddit and it got popular quickly and its development is continued via his google+ community and many modders and themers are theming WhatsappMD (MD=Material Design) to get own color of choice.
What’s Happening now?!
Developers and modders all do their work in apktool to modify code and PNGs but it is not the pure form of source code as it should in java and Whatsapp apk is also proguarded so strings are also encrypted .
Because of not obeying warnings and still continuing whatsapp+ and whatsappMD development whatsapp officials decided to take strict actions against it and they started to ban few users few weeks ago but amount of banned users were so low that we can believe that whatsapp officials were testing it and gathering data of all unofficial app users.
They are not stopping only Whatsapp+ users they are also banning WhatsappMD (or any other 3rd party mod) users too so it seems like they started to check MD5 or SHA-1 from server to phone
Black Day for Whatsapp+ & WhatsappMD users 
Today about 2 hours ago on 21-01-2015 time 12:00 am IST whatsapp officials started BAN wave to all users who were using unofficial mods of whatsapp . Whatsapp banned such users for 24 hours as a 1st WARNING.
Installing original apk from whatsapp.com/android or play store doesnt work cause ban is from server so once app will be connected to server users will get ban message and will redirect to FAQ page
What Should you do now?
If you are already banned user then you should wait for the fix from rafalene until he fixes you should divert your mind to other activities rather than playing around your phone.
If you are lucky and still everything is OK for you we suggest you to uninstall any mods you have installed of whatsapp and download from official download page .and install it .
If U Still Want To Use Whatsapp Plus , Then Follow The Steps --
Download Official Then Login -> Go Into File Manager And Rename Whatsapp folder,
Now Uninstall Whatsapp And Rename folder Back To Original,
Again Install Whatsapp Mod or Plus,
And Viola You Are Again Back To Modded Version :P
Tried And Tested
Note- If You Are Having Countdown Timing Going Then Wait For It Finish It Then My Follow My Procedure To Get Whatsapp Plus
If U Still Want To Use Whatsapp Plus , Then Follow The Steps --
Download Official Then Login -> Go Into File Manager And Rename Whatsapp folder,
Now Uninstall Whatsapp And Rename folder Back To Original,
Again Install Whatsapp Mod or Plus,
And Viola You Are Again Back To Modded Version :P
Tried And Tested
Note- If You Are Having Countdown Timing Going Then Wait For It Finish It Then My Follow My Procedure To Get Whatsapp Plus