Thank god for behind-the-scenes Youtube videos! Thanks to them, VFX is not an entirely alien concept anymore. We recently told you how the world of Jungle Book came alive, and today we're gonna take you to the sets of Captain America - Civil War. Well almost!
Here are 10 images which show how the world of Captain America - Civil War looks like without special effects:
1. Naah! Your iron hand is not saving you ,Tony!
2. Hang in there, Cap! VFX got you!
3. All that breaks is not glass. Sometimes, it's green screen.
4. Flying superpower is so old school. HARNESS is the word!
5. What happens when a helicopter explodes in your face? A perfect shot!
6. Fireworks and crumbling buildings. You're a life saviour VFX (or not)!
7. Clash of the titans be like...
8. Do you know my biggest power, Cap? Graphic animation!
9. It's unbreakable on screen, you idiot! Not in real life!
10. And now I am gonna lift you up and smash you against the wall. See! Easy peasy!
The screen is always greener on the other side!
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