Friday, December 27, 2013

10 Hidden But Amazing Features Of Facebook

Its a known fact that Facebook is the most widely used social networking site with more than a billion registered users. And it is also a commonly accepted fact that most of the users visit the site at least once in a day and few of them are hooked on to it 24x7. Every day, checking your Facebook account doesnt mean that you know all about it. Facebook homes some of the hidden but amazing features that you might have missed since form long time. Here are top 10 of such features as reported by The Telegraph.

10 **View Photos in a classic way**

If you dont like the pop up black box appearance of the photos, you can simply revert to get a classic view of your photographs by pressing F5 on your keyboard. With this you can flick through your album photos rather than clicking on each photo separately.

**Create an interest list**

Based on your interests you can make use of the option for creating an interest list. You can either follow other peoples list or else you can make an interest list. For example you can make a list of @Must Visit Non Popular Places in India.
For creating an interest list Visit /bookmarks/interests and click the Add Interests button. Then click Create List and search for the people or Pages you want to add to your list, or browse the categories towards the left. After selecting the things you want include, decide a name for your list and select a privacy setting .Choose Public if you want others to subscribe to your list. In case if you are following a list then you can see the updates from the list by clicking the topright of your homepage.

**View Friendship History**

This feature can be used to brush up your old memories. If you want to look at the Facebook interactions that you have had with a particular friend, go to their profile page, clicking the arrow in the top right corner and select See Friendship from the dropdown menu. In case if you have added a relationship to your timeline with the friend you are searching then go to to see the friendship page for you and your friend. For getting the friendship page for two of your friends you just go to a friendship page, and then click More and type the names of your friends.

**Check your other Messages**

Facebook highlights some stories in your news feed that is relevant to you according to the information it carries. Similar way it also sorts out the messages. The main inbox carries messages from your friends and their friends. All other messages go to other folder from where you can access them separately. Facebook doesn¡¯t send a notification when a new message arrives here, thus there will be a lot of unread messages piled up in the other box.

**Prevent tagged posts from automatically displaying on your Timeline**

Facebook has a wonderful option of dismissing or approving the tags that people add to your post. If you turn it on then when someone tags a photo or post you made, then the tag wont appear until you approve it.
To turn on tag review, click on the arrow at the top right of any Facebook page and select Settings in the left-hand column. Then click Timeline and Tagging and look for the setting Who can add things to my timeline? and click Edit next to the option Review posts friends tag you in before they appear on your timeline to turn this on. This will but only controls the things that will appear on the timeline, posts you are tagged in still appear in the search, newsfeed and other options.

**Turn your profile upside down**
In the language feature of Facebook there is option to turn all the words on it upside down. Even if you select the option, its something that you can only see, not your friends. To activate this option you first have to go to your Facebook profile Settings, and then click on the Language tab. From the language drop down box choose English (Upside Down).

**Download your Facebook data**

In the Facebook general account settings there is a useful and interesting feature that allows you to download all the information available in your account like posts, photos, messages. To add up it can also save various other information that cannot be accessed by a simple logging like the ads you have clicked on, data like the IP addresses that you were on when you logged into or out of Facebook, and many other such things.

**Send a private message from a traditional email account**

You can send a message from your traditional mail like Gmail or Yahoo to ones Facebook account. The general format for this is username@ The messages will be delivered to your Facebook folder. When you send messages to external mail address they will look similar to Facebook messages with your name and profile picture.

**Activity log**

Activity log helps you to do a review on your activities in the Facebook like the details on the photo shared by you, when you added a particular person as friend. It is record of all your posts and activities from the very time you opened your account. Get to your activity log by clicking the arrow at the top right of any Facebook page and choosing Settings, followed by Privacy. Next to Who can see my stuff? click Use Activity Log. This feature you can also use to review the photos you shared, posted and hidden on timeline.

**Turn off Mobile push Notifications**

Getting regular Facebook updates on your mobile phone can be irritating. Push notifications can be set on and off from the phone or your Facebook apps. To make alterations in the mobile puff notifications go the privacy settings, then notifications, mobile push and un-tick the things that you dont need notifications about. Nowadays its not possible to change the push notifications from mobile browsers or via feature phones

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